First mittens, what a pain. I still have to finish the thumb on the other hand, it's sitting in my basket waiting for me to feel ambitious, or for it to snow....whichever comes first.
I really like this yarn though, it's SOLO by Bernat...about $5 a ball from Zellers. 2 balls should be enough for these mitts and a matching hat. Check out the grain, there are tiny multicoloured strands in there.

What the heck is that
It's a mitten.
OMG, who is the horrible person?? knitwit, there's NOTHING ugly or horrible about your projects.
im envious of you and your needle skills. your fo's are wonderful.
your disco ball hat is going on my craftster wishlist.
wow :] gorgeous darling.
Thank you both for your lovely comments :)
I'm so pleased one of my creations is getting swap wishlisted!!!!!
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